Welcome to Professor Jiang’s group——Biomimetic and Bioinspired Membranes & Membrane Processes! Our group primarily focus on addressing the issues closely relevant to energy and environmental issues through membrane technologies. It is well known that membrane fouling and the tradeoff relation between membrane permeability and selectivity constitute two bottlenecks to govern application efficiency of membranes. Acquiring simultaneous enhancement of permeability, selectivity and stability is a critical scientific issue. In nature, organism can synthesize materials with delicate structure and transport property under mild conditions through manipulating the multiple interactions and the hierarchical structures. Inspired by composition, structure, formation and function of biomaterials, our group introduced biomimeticism and bioinspiration strategy into membranes and membrane processes, proposed novel membrane preparation methods, elucidated the theories of selective molecules and ions transport, and finally realized the significant progresses in suppressing membrane fouling and overcoming tradeoff effect.
The main research branches include:
l Membranes for Ion Exchange (Transport)天津大学姜忠义教授参加ACS京津冀生物医用材料青年论坛并发表致辞 2025/03/25
天津大学姜忠义教授于天津大学作国家自然科学基金撰写经验报告 2025/01/13
天津大学姜忠义教授于“2024京津冀能源化工创新发展论坛”作精彩报告 2024/12/12
天津大学讲席教授姜忠义与中国石化石科院开展学术交流 2024/12/09
天津大学姜忠义教授于第一届阴离子交换膜电解水制氢技术西湖研讨会作精彩报告 2024/07/16
天津大学姜忠义教授于ISPT2024首届国际分离纯化技术优秀博士生论坛作精彩报告 2024/07/09
祝贺姜忠义教授受聘担任牧原实验室第一届委员 2024/06/24
天津大学|李诗浩,吴振华,赵展烽,吴洪,杨冬,石家福,姜忠义:化工过程中的电子传递、质子传递和分子传递 2024/06/20